Hotel Information & Special Rates

Event Venue
Maldives Island Resort - Kurumba

Kurumba Maldives

Based on availability, rooms will be available until the end of June

The Resort will offer same rates for attendees who will wish to extend their stays (confirmation is subject to availability). For any questions regarding your booking please contact [email protected]
To honour special rates, reservations by attendees must be completed before 01 March 2024.

Sheraton Maldives

Based on availability, rooms will be available until the end of June

The Resort will offer same rates for attendees who will wish to extend their stays.
For any questions regarding your booking please contact [email protected]
To honour special rates, reservations by attendees must be completed before 31 May 2024.

CROSSROADS SAii Lagoon Maldives

Based on availability, rooms will be available until the end of June

The Resort will offer same rates for attendees who will wish to extend their stays.
For any questions regarding your booking please contact [email protected]
To honour special rates, reservations by attendees must be completed before 10 March 2024.